Time heals

I just took Dafa to see his father last nite, was there any particular reason? well yeah..
Few weeks ago Dafa's step mother called, asking to take him to their house. But do you know what happened? suddenly he cried, and totally refused to go. I kept asking him to see his father, but he kept refusing. He didn't want to see his dad, let alone spending a night there.

He was was crying, desperate and almost hysterical (this was so unusual of him) he didn't want me to leave him, not even going to the bathroom. I was so shocked. he had never done that kinda thing in his life before. I concluded that he was traumatized.

So I want to see his dad to look for answers...
It turned out....

That I felt comfortable talking to him, and sharing about Dafa,
He was willing to support him, now that he's settled.
Grateful for that :)

Lets just pray that everything he said will come true :)

But the best thing was happening inside of me. When I saw him, I felt no more hatred. garteful for that, I was finally be able to forgive myself :)

Just like people always said: Time... heals ;)

Rabu, Maret 30, 2011 at 08.51 , 2 Comments

New Year New Hope

:D I know that today is in the middle of January, and the New Year celebrations has long gone, but I proudly say that I still kinda possess the New year's spirit

Why? because so many good things had happened at the end of 2010, and also at the early 2011.
First, I got soooo many good news from my students, they had succeeded at their final term exams, and most of them even scored as one of the Big Ten (in points, not in terms of weight :P) in their class.. oh I was so proud

But the happiest thing was, My Dafa was scored 3rd in his class!! yaaaaaay!! I was sooo proud and happy. I didn't quite expect it to come :D
well, remembering that I had received his IQ test result, that showed he was only *above average* ... (I was a little bit disappointed), :Pahahhaha :P

That time, not only I felt happy and proud, but also there's something deep down inside me that thought : "I finally have something I know I'm good at, and really have the proof"
blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com "alhamdulillah" ^:)^"

So... I'm hoping new and good things will happen to us in this year, hopefully things that will lead us to another good things ;)

Hope that all of us will have a wonderful and wondrous year ahead

Jumat, Januari 14, 2011 at 22.03 , 0 Comments